Rebecca’s Smile Journey
Crossover of her front two teeth
Crowding on her lower teeth
Chipped front central upper incisor
Black triangle between her central incisors
Initial Consultation: Rebecca came to us with concerns about her smile, which she often hid in social situations due to the crossover of her front two teeth and crowding on her lower teeth. These issues made her self-conscious, and she wanted a solution that would allow her to smile confidently.
Treatment Plan: To address Rebecca's concerns, we developed a comprehensive treatment plan focusing on alignment, brightening, and composite bonding.
Alignment: We used Invisalign clear aligners to move Rebecca's teeth into the correct positions, addressing both the crossover of her front teeth and the lower teeth crowding.
Whitening: During the alignment process, we also worked on widening and whitening her teeth to enhance the overall brightness of her smile.
Composite Bonding: After alignment, we addressed the chipped front central upper incisor and the black triangle between her central incisors with composite bonding to ensure a seamless, natural appearance.
Results: The final result of Rebecca's treatment is a beautiful transformation. Her teeth are now perfectly aligned, and her smile is bright and inviting. The composite bonding effectively masked the chip and black triangle, giving her a flawless finish.
Rebecca is thrilled with her new smile and is now more confident in social situations, demonstrating the effectiveness of our tailored dental treatments.